Thursday, November 10, 2011

Deep Space (1988)

I had planned on watching Deep Space (1988) for awhile, and this month, I certainly got my fill. May the godz (or something, sorry - I'm atheist, lol just being crazy lil alchemie here, haha) bless and protect and bow down to the netherworld demon/god/whatever - the most awesomest director: Fred Olen Ray. He has become one of my favorites as of late. Every November, there is what's called The Turkey Challenge on the horror message boards, and because of this, I might have never got to know the great and wonderful FRED OLEN RAY!

So, yeah, check out Deep Space. Its a lot of fun, and it had almost 100% of what I love about cheesy 80's horror movie flicks: Julie Newmar (#1 Catwoman, yeah!), Charles Napier (kickin' monster ass and takin' names :P), just to mention a little bit, but unfortunately, it is missing something that makes me rate a movie higher. Otherwise, I'd give that sucker a 10/10. I would say what it is but that would spoil the movie for you. But it did have that sweet stuff I adore - that includes stuff that both my boyfriend and I just love to f-ing pieces.

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