Sunday, November 6, 2011

Oklahoma earthquake 5.6

So yeah, earthquake, wow! That was quite an adventure. I was sitting in my computer chair and online when it happened. The chair actually rocked back and forth a bit and there was quite the shake going on. I could hear my daughter in her room totally freaking out and I just sat here with a shit eating grin on my face for the 15 seconds that occurred. It was quite the experience to say the least. It is so crazy that living in California I never felt a quake, and yet here I am in Oklahoma and there has been 2 in less than 24 hours. They can't count this one that happened around 11pm as an aftershock because it was bigger than the one that happened when I was asleep last night around 2am. That one was only 4.7, and this one earlier was 5.6. It was hilarious seeing people I know from Tulsa on FB freaking out, lol. But people I know from the internet said that they felt it in Arkansas and even someone, who lives near Dallas too.

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