Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Wasp Woman (1959)

While looking for stuffz to watch earlier this month, my boyfriend and I decided to watch The Wasp Woman (1959) by none other than one of the masters: Roger Corman. I grew to love Corman after I saw A Bucket of Blood (1959) for the first time, back during the horror message boards October Horror Movie Challenge in 2009. The Wasp Woman, in my opinion, stands its ground as being almost as good as 'Bucket'.

So why on earth its considered a turkey is beyond me. It is a film that I watched for the horror message boards Turkey Challenge. I loved every minute of it, even the cheesy make-up effects of the 'Woman' herself. I also have a fondness for it now because I had heard awhile back that there is bee sting treatment for people with Multiple Sclerosis: rapy-and-ms.htm

Am I gonna try it? Heck no! I don't want to be another 'Wasp Woman' but kudos to those who have the balls to do so/done so. The Wasp Woman is about cosmetics/looking younger not about health per se but the connection was close enough to remind me of the wonders of science, side effects, and horror movies, lol. I also found it funny how I have more than one set of glasses that almost matched the ones exactly that Susan Cabot/Janice Starlin was wearing in the film as well.

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